Welcome! Overtons

Tell us what you would like to see at our next reunion! Should the banquet have entertainment? Should the picnic have home cooked food or catered?

The 2011 Planning comittee needs your input. Has our traditional format for picnic, talent show, and banquet been successful? Did they meet your expectations? Some say the banquet should include something like some type of entertainment, awards, and or motivational guest speaker. Discussions have also reviewed the picnic activities and if we should have our outdoor event in an area that will allow our local host families to cook the meals vice having the meals made by a food service company. Do you think alcohol should be served at the picnic? Tell us what you think on this Blog!

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Comment by Felicia "Lisa" Slider on October 14, 2009 at 1:55pm
Hey cuz Rodney
As a member of our 2011 Overton Family Reunon Planning Committee ...
I, along with others on our committee and family tree continue to witness from the beginning...
what great experience you brought to our planning committee
Thanks for being a vessel to us as we put our 2011 event...on the path to greatness!

The above blog for input is a great opportunity!

I enourage our family tree to reply to Rodneys blog for input
The questions are a fun opportunity to share "helpful" feedback to our committee...Your replys to Rodneys blog will be healthy "food for thought"... to "plant your seeds of suggestions".."harvest those helpful ideas "....so that we...your "2011 Overton Family Reunion Planning Committee"...can have a plentiful and prosperous 2011 event!

Be purposed AND prosperous in ALL that you do
Bless to ALL of our Overton Descendants
Lisa (Felicia) Slider
Sister of LaTasha Slider
Daughter of Ron & Sandra Slider

The Overtons...Our family is the link to our past & bridge to our future
Roots is not just a saga our family. It is the symbolic saga of a people.

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